an elliptic curve and its ED discriminant
MATH 9787: Topics in Applied and Computational Algebraic Geometry
Spring Semester 2025, University of Missouri
Office and Office hours: MSB-218. Open door policy. You can come by with questions whenever I am there, or just to say hello.
Appointments made by email are also welcome.
Contact: tduff AT missouri DOT edu
Format: Lectures MWF 1:00 -- 1:50 PM in MSB 110
A primary resource for this course will be the book Metric Algebraic Geometry Breiding, Kohn, Sturmfels.) I will also be posting my lecture notes on this website.

In the first part of the course, I will give background lectures on symbolic and numerical computation in algebraic geometry. These will elaborate on the foundational material of Chapters 2, 3, and 9 in the book above.

This is a seminar-style course. If you are taking the course for credit, you will be expected to give 2 in-class presentations. I encourage browsing the other chapters of the book, and discussing your interests with me early on. By the end of February, a schedule for presentations should be set.

There is no course attendance policy, but please keep in mind this course works best if everyone shows up and interacts with each other and the math.

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