Assistant Professor of Mathematics (courtesy appointment in EECS)
University of Missouri - Columbia
Google Scholar
Office: Math Sciences 218
I co-organize the Missouri Math & Data Seminar.
My current research is primarily focused on the application of algebraic and geometric methods to solving 3D reconstruction problems in computer vision. These methods are of increasing importance in applications ranging from visual localization to space exploration. For an overview of "algebraic vision", I highly recommend this recent survey.
Some of my specific interests include characterizing complete sets of constraints for various reconstruction tasks ("multiview ideals", etc.), efficiently solving algebraic equations arising in such tasks ("minimal problems"), reconstruction from geometric features (eg. points, lines, incidences, conics...), and different types of geometric imaging models.
More broadly, I am interested in a wide variety of problems at the interface of pure and applied mathematics, as best represented by the SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry.
MATH 9787 (Applied Mathematics Seminar): Topics in Applied and Computational Algebraic Geometry
MATH 4140 Matrix Theory
Course materials on Canvas